Religious Instruction and Studies
Jüdischer Religionsunterricht für Kinder und Jugendliche findet entsprechend den staatlichen Lehrplänen in den Räumen der Gemeinde statt. Derzeit gibt es wöchentlich an zwei Tagen drei Unterrichtsklassen für Jugendliche und an zwei Tagen Unterricht für Kinder im Grundschulalter.
The religious education offered by the Jewish community is a state-recognised alternative to religious and ethics education, so that pupils are not disadvantaged in any way if they attend religious education in the community. The grade for Jewish religious education is included on an equal footing in the report cards of primary schools, secondary schools, grammar schools and technical colleges. The times of religious education in these schools are, of course, free periods for the children and young people.
All children and young people who are recognised as members of our congregation can take part in Jewish religious education. Furthermore, it is possible for children from mixed marriages who do not belong to the Jewish religious community to participate in Jewish religious education, provided that one parent is a member of the Jewish community and both parents agree to participate in Jewish religious education.