The Israelite Community of Wuerzburg has about 1100 members (as of March 2009). It comprises the whole of Unterfranken. Most of the members live in Wuerzburg. By 1990 membership of the community which was revived after the Second World War, had dwindled to less than 200. Since 1990 membership has risen considerably through immigration of so-called „Kontingentfluechtlinge” (quota refugees).
Statistics: Jews in Wuerzburg
--- 1995 ............ 310 jews,
--- 1997 ............ 800 jews,
--- 1998 ............ 820 jews,
--- 1999 ............ 900 jews.
--- 2000 ...........1000 jews,
--- 2005 ...........1070 jews,
--- 2006 ...........1100 jews,
--- 2010 ...........1030 jews,
--- 2015 ...........1000 jews,
--- 2020 ............ 900 jews.